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Thanksgiving Gift Ideas & Decorating Guide

Thanksgiving is a time of gathering together with family and friends. Whether you’re sitting around the table or celebrating from afar, Teleflora has the perfect Thanksgiving flower arrangements to decorate your home. To make it even better, all our fall bouquets come in collectible keepsake vases that will bring festive joy all season long. If you’re not sure what to send as a gift for Thanksgiving or need some floral Thanksgiving centerpieces to adorn your own table, check out these options in our Thanksgiving Gift Guide for inspiration:

Teleflora's Harvest Season Bouquet
Teleflora's Harvest Season Bouquet

Teleflora's Harvest Season Bouquet

Make this gorgeous Thanksgiving pitcher bouquet the topic of conversation at the dinner table while you’re enjoying good food with family and friends. Teleflora’s Harvest Season Bouquet features warm-toned roses, sunflowers, chrysanthemums, and fresh greenery in a glazed ceramic pitcher. This gorgeously festive bouquet in our food-safe pitcher is sure to complete your Thanksgiving décor. As a natural conversation-starter, you’ll never have to worry about a lull in the table talk with these beautiful Thanksgiving flowers at your next gathering!

Teleflora's Harvest Charm Bouquet
Teleflora's Harvest Charm Bouquet

Teleflora's Harvest Charm Bouquet

Light up your home and the hearts of your loved ones this Thanksgiving with this fall-themed centerpiece. Teleflora’s Harvest Charm bouquet features a festive pumpkin vase filled with roses, miniature carnations, and cushion spray chrysanthemums in beautiful autumnal colors and accented with fall leaves to represent the beauty of the season. This pumpkin centerpiece is sure to warm up your kitchen all season long!

Teleflora's Hello Autumn Bouquet
Teleflora's Hello Autumn Bouquet

Teleflora's Hello Autumn Bouquet

There is a certain magic about fall and this beautiful Thanksgiving bouquet perfectly captures it. Teleflora’s Hello Autumn Bouquet features a cheerful orange cube vase filled with roses, sunflowers, magnolia leaves, and chrysanthemums in autumnal colors that are sure to “leaf” an impression in any home or Thanksgiving table. Whether you’re adding fresh blooms to your own festivities or sending to your favorite host this holiday season, this gorgeous bouquet will make everyone smile and reminisce about their favorite Thanksgiving memories.

Fall in Love with Other Autumn Inspired Bouquets

Teleflora’s Fall Chic Bouquet
Teleflora’s Fall Bamboo Garden

Out of the Box Bouquets

Whether you are looking for a gift to give a host or just trying to put the final touches on your holiday table, these two fall boxes will add an effortless amount of autumn to the room. Teleflora’s Fall Chic Bouquet overflows with light orange and peach roses, peach asiatic lilies, and white alstroemeria, and then is topped off with dusty miller and seeded eucalyptus. Teleflora’s Fall Bamboo Garden is as soothing as it is beautiful with orange roses, orange asiatic lilies, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, two succulent plants, and much more!

Teleflora’s Fall Chic Bouquet
Teleflora’s Fall Bamboo Garden
Teleflora’s Harvest Shimmer Centerpiece
Teleflora’s Seasonal Sophistication Bouquet

Classic Thanksgiving Flowers

If you want to go the more traditional but just as beautiful route, Teleflora’s Harvest Shimmer Centerpiece and Teleflora’s Seasonal Sophistication Bouquet capture the essence of fall and impress without straying too far from your classic favorites. You can’t go wrong sending this to your loved ones this Thanksgiving.

Teleflora’s Harvest Shimmer Centerpiece
Teleflora’s Seasonal Sophistication Bouquet

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